
Josh Steps Up For African Wildlife

Rory Young and Josh Bowman inspired many attendees during their INBOUND15 interview. Those at the Hubspot event didn’t gain a great deal of marketing knowledge, but some said it was the most informative and interesting talk they attended. Josh opened the floor to audience questions at the end of their talk. People lined up behind the mic […]

Rory Goes Undercover

By Rory Young. My name is Boetie Van Niekerk, I am a South African professional hunter looking to buy ivory or rhino horn. I am arrogant, suspicious, and patronizing. I am also greedy and am looking for serious, long-term suppliers and “if you look after me, give me a good price and no hassles, I […]

Honey Badger vs. Ranger

A Burpee chin-up challenge has been thrown down! Take a look, friends! Hailing from Bern, Switzerland, standing at 5’6″, fighting weight 132 lbs, a young man of 23 years, coached by the legendary Aaron Ellis. He’s been training for months folks. As a medical student, he’s got a trick or two up his sleeve. Our […]

Onwards and Upwards!

My family and I have “been through the wars” lately, so to speak, and have needed to take a break in order to organize our new base in Europe. Thank you everybody for all the support and patience. We are all very grateful for the assistance and kind words that we have received regarding the […]


Malawian ranger Kambanie Masamba and his fellow rangers arrested 81 poachers in just 2 weeks during our last training session. After their phenomenal success he sent the following message. “You did your part and we did our part, once again thanks!” The rangers risking their lives on the front line of the poaching war are adept […]

Good, Bad and Ugly

The good. Rory Young will be coming to the US in September to speak before a crowd of 10,000 in Boston. We are also trying to arrange a TEDxBoston talk for him when he is here.  The speaking engagement was arranged by board member Joe Chernov. I plan to be there to meet Joe, Rory […]

Check out our funding campaign!

End of Day 5 – 56 Backers and $6,710! Thanks to everyone who donated or shared our campaign! Alastair Macdonald Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Joyce Crompvoets Gigi and Conrad CP Leentjes Anonymous Leonid S. Knyshov Czodor Ichmoukametoff Anonymous Anonymous Harachaitanya Anonymous Jennifer Mack Ara Ogle Carlos Trenary Linda Reid Bstrange William Mccleary Karin Jager Jean-Baptiste Froment […]