
July Updates

Check out that lovely progress bar. Chengeta supporters are the best! Just $1,975 more in donations until our matching funds are fully utilized. That will bring our total to $38,467! Our best campaign to date: You don’t have to wear a cape to be a hero.  Rory Young has completed our second training session in […]

Celebrating Two Years of Non-stop Action!

Rory Young, exactly two years ago I first messaged you asking if I could help your efforts to fight the explosion of poaching that was wiping out wildlife in Africa. You accepted my offer immediately and just three months later we co-founded Chengeta Wildlife. Thank you for opening my eyes to the horror you were facing […]

Josh Steps Up For African Wildlife

Rory Young and Josh Bowman inspired many attendees during their INBOUND15 interview. Those at the Hubspot event didn’t gain a great deal of marketing knowledge, but some said it was the most informative and interesting talk they attended. Josh opened the floor to audience questions at the end of their talk. People lined up behind the mic […]

Honey Badger vs. Ranger

A Burpee chin-up challenge has been thrown down! Take a look, friends! Hailing from Bern, Switzerland, standing at 5’6″, fighting weight 132 lbs, a young man of 23 years, coached by the legendary Aaron Ellis. He’s been training for months folks. As a medical student, he’s got a trick or two up his sleeve. Our […]