
Live Ops Begin

From Rory: In ops somewhere in Africa.. A little surprise party being prepared for some unwanted visitors..We have begun making arrests and seizing weapons. Several separate successful ops. Here are two suspects with weapons and contraband. Aluta continua!

Hello Mr. Poacher…

Rory Young shared this photo of a poacher’s tracks. Just to prove that I have been paying attention to Rory’s tracking lessons, I will tell you what I can about the person who made the tracks. From the large size I think that a man left these prints. Also male because the toes are close […]

From Rory in Malawi

I recently arrived in Liwonde National Park in Southern Malawi. I am here to train 30 experienced anti poaching officers in advanced anti poaching operations for 30 days. The training is fully funded by Chengeta Wildlife and organized by ALERT. University of Coventry are also now actively working through information I have and will be […]

Anti-poaching Podcast featuring Rory Young.

In this fascinating interview Rory explains the devastation caused by poaching in the many African countries he has visited this year. He also reveals what he and the rangers are doing to stop poaching. In the final minutes he discusses the time he was shot at when crossing from Central African Republic into Cameroon. Give it […]

Photo from Rory Young, currently in Malawi

  This photo is tough to see, but it should strengthen our resolve. We have funded the training in Malawi to stop this and it is working. Rory and the Malawian rangers are apprehending the bastards that set those snares.   Rory does the dangerous physical work in the bush, but he also meets with […]