
Rangers Ambushed

After making arrests in a notorious poaching base last night we ran into a series of ambushes quickly set up by digging trenches and throwing logs across the road. Several hundred men attacked at different points as we were forced to clear the road. Unfortunately one of the rangers was hit in the eyes by flying […]

Female AP Rangers

Here are three of the anti poaching rangers participating in the advanced wildlife protection in ops training taking place in Liwonde National Park. The training is funded and organized by Chengeta Wildlife and ALERT under the auspices of the Malawi Department of National Parks and Wildlife. One of these ladies is giving the men a […]

More From Malawi

Rain rain rain. Mud mud mud. More rain, more mud. This is going to be a slippery affair! Home base for the next 30 days.   My roommate. A nice fat lady baboon spider the size of my hand… The thatch on my hut has been leaking so I have been jumping up as the […]

From Rory in Malawi

I recently arrived in Liwonde National Park in Southern Malawi. I am here to train 30 experienced anti poaching officers in advanced anti poaching operations for 30 days. The training is fully funded by Chengeta Wildlife and organized by ALERT. University of Coventry are also now actively working through information I have and will be […]