
Days of Their Lives

  February 18, 2014 We’ve pulled into a rest stop, probably one of only a few in the entire Ngorogoro Conservation Area. I saw a few large elephants on the way in, larger and closer than I’ve seen so far, so while the others are inside, I’m darting about the carpark, hoping to catch sight […]

Killed For Keratin

A KWS ranger was Monday night shot dead by suspected poachers after an exchange of fierce fire as the latter tried to forcefully gain entry into Ol-Jogi ranch in a rhino hunting mission. The 25-year-old Paul Harrison Lelesepei was in company of other rangers guarding the rhino sanctuary when they were attacked by the poachers. […]

The Dawn of the Tusk

Neha Jha I first met an Elephant when I was a young kid.. it was tied to chains.. near a pond.. I fed it leaves as it looked at me… I still remember its eyes. What makes an Elephant so special? The scientists have compared the emotional intelligence of an Elephant to a child. They […]