
July Updates

Check out that lovely progress bar. Chengeta supporters are the best! Just $1,975 more in donations until our matching funds are fully utilized. That will bring our total to $38,467! Our best campaign to date: You don’t have to wear a cape to be a hero.  Rory Young has completed our second training session in […]

Bryan Cockel explains how elephants use infrasound

“Infra” or low frequency sound are frequencies below 20 Hz, the threshold of average human hearing. Many animals – mostly large ones – use infrasound to communicate over long distances because it travels further than higher frequencies. For example, blue whales – the largest animal – communicate over hundreds of miles and are the “loudest” […]

Mother And Baby

I have become too accustomed to tragedy on my continent. I learned as a child that there is a switch that you can just flick on that will block out the most pitiful scenes and the most horrible sounds. However, I also learned that when you use that switch there is a secret device deep inside […]

Onwards and Upwards!

My family and I have “been through the wars” lately, so to speak, and have needed to take a break in order to organize our new base in Europe. Thank you everybody for all the support and patience. We are all very grateful for the assistance and kind words that we have received regarding the […]


Malawian ranger Kambanie Masamba and his fellow rangers arrested 81 poachers in just 2 weeks during our last training session. After their phenomenal success he sent the following message. “You did your part and we did our part, once again thanks!” The rangers risking their lives on the front line of the poaching war are adept […]

Just Getting Started

Written by Rory Young – Keep watching this space… Forty four arrests in last twenty four hours! And fifty five in the last forty eight! That has to be some sort of record… In the beautiful National Reserve where I am currently doing in ops training of Malawi DNPW rangers we are trying to make as big of […]

Anti-poaching Podcast featuring Rory Young.

In this fascinating interview Rory explains the devastation caused by poaching in the many African countries he has visited this year. He also reveals what he and the rangers are doing to stop poaching. In the final minutes he discusses the time he was shot at when crossing from Central African Republic into Cameroon. Give it […]