
Anti-poaching Podcast featuring Rory Young.

In this fascinating interview Rory explains the devastation caused by poaching in the many African countries he has visited this year. He also reveals what he and the rangers are doing to stop poaching. In the final minutes he discusses the time he was shot at when crossing from Central African Republic into Cameroon. Give it […]

Rory Young’s Take on The Malawi Success.

Post by Rory Young, No high technology here – there isn’t the money – the key is rangers’ skills in investigations, intel gathering, planning and dogged pursuit and apprehension.. Let’s be honest; Malawi has been hit harder by poaching than many countries. However, although one of the poorest countries in Africa, it is also known […]

PRESS RELEASE – Malawi Anti-poaching Training.

Across Africa the scourge that is poaching is removing natural resources at an unprecedented rate. The southern African nation of Malawi is no exception to the hugely negative impacts of poaching on biodiversity and the natural ecosystem processes that sustain both people and wildlife. Starting at the end of August the African Lion & Environmental […]

Photo from Rory Young, currently in Malawi

  This photo is tough to see, but it should strengthen our resolve. We have funded the training in Malawi to stop this and it is working. Rory and the Malawian rangers are apprehending the bastards that set those snares.   Rory does the dangerous physical work in the bush, but he also meets with […]

Pres. S.A. Tweets CW!

Edna Molewa is the acting president of South Africa while President Jacob Zuma is attending the US – Africa Leaders Summit. She is South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Affairs. The True Cost of Ivory Trinkets check out this infographic produced by @ChengetaTusk pic.twitter.com/Ra9rZcbKFA — Edna Molewa (@BEMolewa) August 2, 2014

A Graphic Gift!

A huge THANK YOU to Joe Chernov, Robin Richards and Leslie Bradshaw for creating the infographic below for Rory Young and Chengeta Wildlife! Please share our new infographic with any media contacts you have and everywhere on social media!

The Manual is Ready!!

We can now purchase an electronic (PDF) copy of the Anti-Poaching Manual! 50% of each sale will directly fund our training sessions. Congratulations to Rory Young, Quora’s newest author! Our partners at ALERT will be handling the book sales. Please follow the link to their page, given below. They have payment options listed on the bottom of […]


Teacher, “And what would you like to be in ten years’ time, Ronnie?” Ronnie the rhino, “Not extinct.” Cartoonist –Dr. Jack  

Big Thanks, Ellen Vrana

You did wonders and really saved the day for us Ellen, through the very large donation that you and Mike made and through your efforts to gather support for Chengeta. Here is a small message of thanks and a little surprise for you: Take care, Rory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNbiA7_6HZ4

An Elephant Sized Thank You to Ellen Vrana

You really did wonders and really saved the day for us Ellen, through the very large donation that you and Mike made and through your efforts to gather support for Chengeta. Here is a small message of thanks and a little surprise for you: Take care,Rory