Support Us

Donate via Bank Transfer


If you prefer to donate via bank transfer to our US bank account, please contact us by email on or use our contact us form for our full bank details.

Chengeta Wildlife USA is a 501 (c) (3) charity registered in the USA meaning that your donation is tax-deductible.

We will email you a donation receipt, which is your official record to claim this donation as a tax deduction.

Thank you – we are grateful for your support of our important work!

Fundraise For Us

There are many ways to support Chengeta, by setting up your own or group fundraisers. We’ve listed some great ideas below to get you started. Be sure to contact us at letting us know your plans so we support your project and supply visuals, information and cheer you on!

Take on a Challenge

Run a marathon, climb a mountain, do a sponsored walk or complete 100 press ups. Pick a challenge, get in touch and have fun, we’ll cheer you on!

Fundraise With Your School/Workplace

Find a group of committed people at school or at work & set up a dinner, a fun event, a talk... Spread the word!

Set up a Facebook Fundraiser

Like Chengeta’s page here & set up your own birthday or other event fundraiser to directly.

Donate Your Work

Photographer or artist? You can donate either your work for us to sell or give a percentage of the sale of your work to Chengeta!

Sponsor a Project

To discuss sponsoring our work in the field, please email us at

Leave a Legacy

If you would like to include Chengeta as a beneficiary in your will, please email us at

Spread The Word

If you can’t donate or start a fundraiser, but still want to support us, helping us raise awareness of conservation by investing your time and energy is invaluable!

Please get in touch if you’d like to learn more about what we do and how you can help spread the word!

Visit Our Online Shop

Buy official Chengeta merch here at our online shop. Every order helps train more rangers and save more wildlife.